Mark Maffeo
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Hello Friends! I am a happily employed elementary school teacher who teaches 5th grade in a city just north of Atlanta in Georgia. I have for a couple years now been coming up with wild ideas of stories in my head. Off the flip of a coin I have decided to take a leap of faith and listen to those voices in my head. By putting pen to paper throughout the summer I have created a youth fantasy adventure novel and also begun some small short stories. I have been inspired to do so by all those around me including my students, family, friends, and of course my loving wife Lindsey. The window of opportunity for this decision was quickly closing when we found out just before the summer that we will be graced with the wonderful presence of a baby come December. Despite our need for EXTRA money in my typical summer job, my wife granted me permission in pursuing the dream of becoming a penniless summer writer. I have modest expectations but high hopes for the success of my stories. Thank you so much for all of you that are supporting my efforts. I hope that my stories bring you joy as you read them, for I truly enjoy writing them.